Let me start off by saying that I absolutely LOVE their packaging. It's very unique and their logo is perfect! Even though I love their packaging, I don't like the fact that there's no drip tip or dripper on the bottle. That wasn't a problem though, considering I had an extra empty bottle that did have a tip that allowed for dripping.
Today I'll be talking about their juice Adam & Eve (I have yet to try Royalty, but am excited as it smells soooo amazing! Kind of like a banana Laffy Taffy!). Adam & Eve, according to the description, is suppose to taste like "Sour Apple Crisp." I personally think it taste just like a green jolly rancher, it actually smells just like a green jolly rancher as well! For all I know it can taste just like a sour apple crisp as well, but I honestly wouldn't even know what that tasted like (sounds like green apple crisp chips?). I love this juice, it's actually become one of Lé's and mine favorite! I would definitely recommend it!
I'd like to thank Phillip Rocke and the GeminiVapors crew for sending me these amazing juices to try out! You guys are awesome!
Here is their information if you guys want to check out their Instagram, website, ect.:
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