Tell 👏 me 👏 why👏 (in my ratchet voice) it started to snow like 4 days ago and I get sick AGAIN!!! I've been having coughing and sneezing attacks along with the whole runny nose thing. AND I've been having problems with my Dermatographia which sucks ballssssssssss because I LOVE to play with Cadence and it's so hard to play with her without having her scratch me up. Right now I literally have scratches all over my body: chest, arms, legs, and stomach! Lol most of it is from Cadence using my body as a launching pad 😒😂
Oh, and on top of that my contacts have been getting really blurry and have been irritating my eyes 😠😡 Which makes no sense because 1) they're a brand new set of lenses and 2) I constantly and thoroughly clean them out! It's been messing with my eyes causing nasty eye boogies (tmi?) and now I can't wear them at all 😫😩
So basically I've been a hot mess over here lol. I couldn't even keep my New Years Resolution, which was to do my hair and make up way more and to get more into fashion. Some people may say "you can still do all that when you're sick!" Well, I can't. Lol I refuse to put makeup on and it irritate my eyes and skin more than it already is!
That's it. That's my rant. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did! Haha 😜 Blog you later! Muah 😚💋
P.S.S. I hurt the crap out of my finger just now trying to take that picture lmaooooo. I slammed my fingers into the window ledge while closing the window and it snapped my fingernails in half. You guys know what I'm talking about right? Smh I'm so accident prone.
Okay, bye for real this time!!
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